October 20, 2020

The Twenty-Eighth Amendment? Beyond Abolishing the Electoral College

By Paul Schumaker’68
Gatekeeper Press 2020

The Twenty-Eighth Amendment? Beyond Abolishing the Electoral College by Paul Schumaker'68 In February, retired University of Kansas professor of political science Paul Schumaker published this book about the past, present, and future of the Electoral College, written for a general audience.

Months later, he updated it to suggest presidential electoral reforms that would improve U.S. governance and cope more effectively with the pandemic, subsequent economic and educational shutdowns, and the racial unrest that have arisen since his book was first released.

Using an accessible narrative form, and with decades of experience—he taught courses in American democracy for 45 years—he traces the evolution of his thinking using strong analogies and examples from the past and present.

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  • Public health professionals Bobby Harris’08 and Shanna Dell’10 are working in a historic Baltimore hotel turned Covid respite center for people without a stable place to recover or isolate.

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  • The Leader’s Manual: Leaders on Leadership By Roger H. Hull

    The Leader’s Manual: Leaders on Leadership


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